Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Chief IP Counsel, the CEO and Business Strategy

One of the core principles of my company and the development of our software is that IP strategy needs to be aligned with business strategy. As you might have guessed, we’ve developed our software to help companies do just that. Rather than posting another blog entry that espouses the benefits of achieving this alignment, I wanted to pass along a few other blogs I’ve found that share similar perspectives on the this topic.

Chief IP Counsel
We’ve discussed the concept of a Chief IP Counsel on this blog before. I came across a very cool post on the concept over on the e^(ip) blog. Not only does it discuss the importance of the CIPC role, but the author does a great job of describing some of the more strategically-minded business issues the person in this role needs to consider.

IP-Business Strategic Alignment
Speaking of good posts, I’ve come across a blog dedicated to the concept of IP strategy equating to business strategy by the folks over at IP-Refinery.com. There are some good posts over there. One post that caught my attention recently was on the topic of using IP strategy to reduce the inherent uncertainty in business decisions.

WIPO - A Practical Guide
I’m not sure when this entry was posted over at WIPO, but A Practical Guide to Managing IP is another good piece that outlines everything from organization alignment, education to proper oversight of an IP licensing business.

....More to follow in our next post.

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